Revamp Your Road Life: Essential Internal Upgrades for Your Motorhome

Have you ever gazed at your motorhome and thought, “It’s time for a change”? Whether you are craving a touch of luxury, seeking extra functionality, or simply yearning for a fresh look, upgrading your motorhome can enhance your road life experience in extraordinary ways.

Here at Roadtrek, we’re not just about providing a service but about creating a lifestyle. We specialize in tailoring upgrades to match your unique needs, turning your motorhome into a dream on wheels(1). Let’s delve into some essential internal upgrades that can breathe new life into your motorhome:

Luxury Bathroom Upgrades

Transform your motorhome bathroom from merely functional to fabulously luxurious. Our upgrade options span from modern fixtures to innovative storage solutions, ensuring every inch of your bathroom is optimized for comfort and convenience.

Modern Fixtures: Install sleek taps and showerheads for a contemporary look.

Innovative Storage: Add wall-mounted cabinets or under-sink drawers for extra space.

High-Tech Toilet: Opt for a high-tech composting toilet for eco-friendly travel.

Cozy Bedroom Upgrades

There’s nothing quite like snuggling into a cozy bed after a day of exploration. Our bedroom upgrades focus on maximizing comfort and space, allowing you to create a sleeping area that feels like a home away from home.

Comfortable Mattresses: Replace your old mattress with a memory foam or latex one for better sleep.

Space-Saving Beds: Consider installing a fold-up bed to maximize space during the day.

Custom Bedding: Treat yourself to custom-fitted sheets and blankets for that perfect snug fit.

Efficient Electrical Upgrades

An efficient electrical system is the heart of any modern motorhome. Our electrical upgrades can revitalize your motorhome’s functionality, ensuring you have reliable power whenever and wherever you need it.

Solar Panels: Harness the power of the sun with rooftop solar panels.

LED Lighting: Upgrade to energy-efficient LED lights for longer battery life.

Smart Control System: Control all your electrical appliances with a centralized smart system.

Heating and Cooling Upgrades

Whether you’re braving the chill of the Snowy Mountains or basking in the heat of the Outback, our heating and cooling upgrades ensure your motorhome remains a comfortable haven, regardless of the weather outside.

Air Conditioning: Install a high-efficiency air conditioning unit for those hot summer days.

Heater: Opt for a compact, energy-efficient heater for chilly nights.

Insulation: Improve your van’s insulation to maintain optimal temperatures year-round.

Modern Kitchen Upgrades

The kitchen is the soul of your motorhome. Our upgrades can turn your kitchen into a culinary paradise with modern appliances, sleek surfaces, and intelligent storage solutions.

Compact Appliances: Install a compact oven, microwave or fridge to make cooking on the road a breeze.

Sleek Surfaces: Upgrade to easy-to-clean, durable countertops.

Smart Storage: Add slide-out pantry shelves or hanging racks for your pots and pans.

Innovative Storage Upgrades

Space is a precious commodity in any motorhome. Our innovative storage upgrades can help you maximize every square inch of your living space, ensuring you have a place for everything and everything in its place.

Overhead Storage: Make use of unused space with overhead cabinets.

Under-Seat Storage: Turn your seating area into a hidden storage haven.

External Access Compartments: Install compartments that can be accessed from outside the van for items like outdoor gear.

With over 16 years of experience, Roadtrek’s team of experts is dedicated to helping you revamp your road life (1). Every motorhome tells a story; we’re here to help you write yours.

Ready for a revamp? Visit our website to explore our full range of internal upgrade options: Roadtrek Internal Upgrades. Let’s turn your motorhome into a masterpiece on wheels!


  1. Roadtrek – Internal Upgrades ↩ ↩2


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